Haller's work of art
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Haller's work of art

The Art Work of Ludwig Haller    Art Work sorted by archive numbers    Art Work sorted by date    Art Work sorted by subject    Art Work in the Art Collection of the Town Gera, Germany    Art work of Haller as a child    Privately owned art work    Art work in the Orangery of Castle Weissenstein zu Pommersfelden, Germany    Stations of the Cross in the St Vitus Church, Wülfershausen/Saale, Germany    Table with painted tiles "Circus"    Art work by Haller's wife Liane    Sculptures    Art work in collaboration with Liah Falkenberg   

Art work in collaboration with Liah Falkenberg

Although Liah Falkenberg had initially hoped to learn from Haller the technique of painting and drawing, it proved that there were not many opportunities for that, as she ended up looking after other issues and needs of Haller.

NumberArt WorkTitelDate           TechniqueSize
05080 Romulus und Remus Romulus und Remus1981-06-08Dispersion auf Leinwand160/217ocker/blau
05090 Daphne Daphne1981-07-10Dispersion auf Leinwand160/217grün/fleisch/ocker/weiker/weiß
05110 Louis le Grand gemeinsam gemalt von Liah Falkenberg und Ludwig Haller Louis le Grand gemeinsam gemalt von Liah Falkenberg und Ludwig Haller1981-02-09Dispersion80/54graugrün
05410 Louis le Grand Louis le Grand1981-02-08Dispersion80/54blau/grau/weiss
09050 gemeinsam gemalt von Liah Falkenberg und Ludwig Haller gemeinsam gemalt von Liah Falkenberg und Ludwig Haller1981-02-10